Design Camp


Kids with an eye for design learn fundamentals and use the latest digital tools to transform their ideas into an on-trend fashion collection

About Design Camp


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Student Showcase

Check out what kids have been creating at this camp!
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Code Camp World

Where your child becomes the creator! Get ongoing access to our coding platform so your child can continue coding beyond the last day of camp. It's packed with free tutorials to keep your kids engaged throughout the term!

Design Camp

We've adapted our in-person camps into highly-engaging innovative online sessions!

How it works

  1. Choose a week of the school holidays below
  2. Your child will receive 2 hours of exciting and engaging coding activities per day
  3. Your child may log in at anytime during 9:30am - 1:00pm each day
  4. Our brilliant live tutor team will be online to help your kids code and create their own game over the week

After the week is over, your child can continue logging into Code Camp World to continue on their own, or they're welcome to try the next level (online or in-person)!

The same great content

Get exclusive access to brand-new, instructor-led videos delivered over five days to keep your kids engaged at home.

Live, one-on-one tutor support

Our instructors will be on hand via our purpose-built live chat feature from 9.30am to 1:00pm, Monday to Friday to assist your child with anything they need. 

Learn at your own pace

New tutorials will be released each morning - your child can choose when to complete their daily challenges.

Book an online camp

More camps are being announced soon!